What if a single poem could hold all the
guidance you seek - at JUST the right moment?

Scroll down and read on to discover the story of this collection and its creator - or if you're already ready to go - then choose a support tier below. Each higher tier unlocks more benefits and includes everything in all previous tiers! By supporting this project, you'll be able to watch the Magic Book of Guidance be released week-by-week for the next 2+ years - providing you with a consistent drip-feed of Poetic Wisdom and Guidance - becoming part of a movement and a community of like-minded poetry lovers!

Welcome to the

Magic Book of Guidance

Join this 111 week journey and witness the birth of this

mammoth tome of mystical guidance and poetic wisdom!






What if a single poem could hold all the guidance you seek - at JUST the right moment?

Scroll down and read on to discover the story of this collection and its creator - or if you're already ready to go - then choose a support tier below. Each higher tier unlocks more benefits and includes everything in all previous tiers! By supporting this project, you'll be able to watch the Magic Book of Guidance be released week-by-week for the next 2+ years - providing you with a consistent drip-feed of Poetic Wisdom and Guidance - becoming part of a movement and a community of like-minded poetry lovers!

Welcome to the

Magic Book of Guidance

Join this 111 week journey and witness the birth of this

mammoth tome of mystical guidance and poetic wisdom!

Choose one of the lower support tiers below - or keep reading on to discover the bonuses of the higher tiers of support!

I'm Hart Floe Poet - creator of this visual poetry collection.

The journey began in 2018 when a bold challenge presented itself whilst I was living in the magnetic vortex that is Lake Atitlán: write a poem a day
for 100 consecutive days and pair each poem with two original images...

Without even thinking, I dove right in - I embraced the challenge wholeheartedly, weaving together words and collages crafted from my travel photos. It was fun - but keeping up wasn’t easy. About two weeks in, the sheer size of the task hit me - suddenly the mountain to climb ahead became clear and seemed a daunting task - but in that moment, an internal whisper of encouragement from beyond myself pushed me forward:

  • --- 'Keep going; one day, these words will become a collection.'

I trusted that voice and despite all the hurdles - I kept on and managed to complete all 100 days.

In time, that subtle whisper within proved to be a prophecy. Over the years, the project evolved and deepened. It gained a name: The Magic Book of Guidance. It grew from 100 to 111 poems, and I went back through every single poem and added an after-thought - deeper reflections upon the content within.

Every element was infused with love and good intention every step of the way...

Now, hundreds of hours of faith, passion and creativity later, the collection has taken it's shape - but the journey is far from over...

It all began in the crater of a super-volcano - over 7 years ago...

The Original Images

Below are a couple of the original images that were submitted to the 100 day poetry writing contest. Available to download with tier 5 and above... There are 222 in total!

In time - each of the pairs of images would go on to be morphed together into
entirely new visual pieces of art...

Do you believe in magic? Do you believe that the Universe is always communicating with you? Then this is the kind of collection for you.

This isn’t just a visual poetry collection - it's an interactive experience - an intelligent cosmic guide to accompany you through life.

Approach it with a question or bring to mind something that you are seeking guidance on - choose a number between 1 and 111 - and let your chosen poem guide you.

The creative process behind getting to this stage has been quite the journey, spanning multiple years.

During the pandemic, a dear friend and I took the original graphics I had created and transformed them into entirely new works of art - creating one bespoke visual for each poem. Layer by layer, we combined elements from my original images into something fresh, vibrant, and meaningful - like the image you see over to the right for #9 in the collection.

The text for each poem was then creatively laid over its unique graphic, resulting in a series of 111 numbered pieces of visual poetry. Every piece includes an afterthought - a reflection that invites you to delve even deeper into its wisdom.

In the end - what emerged is a poetry collection unlike any other: a compendium of universal guidance and wisdom - a fusion of poetry and visual art, crafted with intention and a loving heart.

As I write these words, an uncountable number of hours have been poured into bringing The Magic Book of Guidance to life, and yet, there are still many more hours of work ahead before the collection is fully finished and released.

This will be a long, beautiful journey, and I want to invite you to walk it with me.

If you believe in independent art and the power of words to touch the soul, then I encourage you to join me. Be among the few who will watch The Magic Book of Guidance unfold week by week, poem by poem.

Explore the supporter tiers, find one that resonates with you, and let’s embark on this extraordinary voyage together. 🚀

15% of everything received will be donated to Water4Life, Escuela Caracol and Konojel - 3 amazing charities here in Guatemala doing beautiful things to brighten up the world around them.

Become one of the OG supporters to unlock some special bonuses only available to the first 22 people!

What is The Magic Book of Guidance?!

Imagine being part of a magical journey, unfolding week by week, as a cosmic collection of poetry comes to life - witnessing its slow birth into the world with a community of like-minded art and poetry lovers - each gaining valuable insights and inspirations every week a new piece drops...

Here’s the plan -

I’m going to release each poem - one per week - until the collection is complete. This means if I manage to stay on track, it’s going to take me 111 weeks or 2 years and 7 weeks to complete the release...

Damn - even reading that out loud seems crazy! But that's what the plan is.

You can access the collection and watch it build week by week by

choosing to support me and this project.

Tier 2 and above will give you access to the private Instagram feed where you will receive a new poem each week presented in a stunning 18-image collage with a video recitation for each poem. Supporters of tier 4 or above will also have access to HD videos on a private YouTube channel, and a dedicated website with bespoke music made by Hart Floe and psychedelic background animations for a fullscreen immersive experience of reading the individual poems at any time.

I don't want to do this alone...

It's been a solo journey up until now - and now I am ready to continue and finish this journey in community - with YOU!

My family, my friends and my fans!

You are here right now either by 'coincidence' leading you to this page, or because you know me. Either way - I ask with grace and gratitude in advance - if you have ever been touched by one of my poems, workshops, retreats, performances, DJ sets, breathwork sessions, meditations, hypnosis, sound healings - or just by having me in your life for some reason - OR you just like a bit of poetry and want to support an independent artist - then it would mean SO MUCH to me if you would join me in this ambitious creative endeavour!

Starting at just £11, you’ll gain lifetime access to a private Instagram feed, where magical guidance will arrive week by week - giving you the perfect nuggets of wisdom you need - exactly when you need them -

without even needing to think about it!

For just £44 you get access to the entire collection in all its forms!(Instagram + Youtube + Dedicated Website).

For those ready to support more, there's 11 tiers total that unlock exclusive perks, from personalised prints, 1-on-1 calls with me - to bespoke curated private retreats in Guatemala just for you!

Why Join the 'Magic Book of Guidance' Release?

By supporting, you gain an entire life-time of on-demand spiritual guidance in the form of a totally unique visual poetry collection. With almost 38,000 words to delve into, you can guarantee that there's always some waiting to give you the perfect message you are seeking.

By supporting me, you'll also be supporting 3 beautiful charities here where I live in Guatemala - as 15% of all proceeds will be donated as 5% donations to each organisation.

That's already pretty great as it is right? But each higher tier of support unlocks new perks and benefits, meaning if you want to REALLY support this project and me as an artist, there's a ton of amazing benefits you can get back in return! Such as -->

  • 🪄 Supporting independent human art!

  • 🪄 The Joy of Generosity!

  • 🪄 Access to Private Facebook Community.

  • 🪄 Private Instagram Access for Life.

  • 🪄 Private YouTube Channel Access.

  • 🪄 Access to the Magic Book of Guidance Website!

  • 🪄 Bespoke spoken word poetry written on a subject of your choice!

  • 🪄 1x Poem of your choice printed onto metal [7.5" x 18"]

  • 🪄 MP3 downloads of each poem.

  • 🪄 Downloadable link for all 222 original Magic Book of Guidance images!

  • 🪄 Remix rights to all poem audios and visuals!

  • 🪄 4x 1.5hr Private calls with Hart Floe! [Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching, Holotropic Breathwork]

  • 🪄 Custom curated private 1-1 retreat in Guatemala with Hart Floe on dates of your choice!

  • 🪄 Enrolment onto 'Money Mindset Mastery' multi-month private coaching program with Hart Floe - Retail £5000!

    (Info -> www.abundance-guide.com)

So… I thank you in advance all that choose to support the Magic Book of Guidance and its release to the world.

YOUR support fuels this dream and helps me bring this art into the world 🥰

So are you ready to embark on a wonderful journey with me?

Then let's watch the Magic Book of Guidance grow together! 💫

Thank you for believing in me, my vision, and the magic that’s about to unfold! 🪄

With Love Always

In All Ways

Hart Floe Poet


What you can receive from supporting the
'Magic Book of Guidance'

Unlock Magic and Support Amazing Charities in Guatemala!

Konojel stands for “All Together” in the Kaqchikel Language. Indigenous Kaqchikel people live here, and they are respectful, kind, and peaceful... However -

1 of every 2 people lives in poverty. Malnutrition percentages in San Marcos are worrying, government-funded education ends at 9th grade, and school dropouts are high. Their mission is to transform San Marcos into a sustainable community, where everyone is included and have the tools to thrive.

Water4Life Guatemala is a nonprofit co-creating sustainable water solutions with Indigenous communities by empowering women leaders, implementing clean water initiatives, and restoring ecosystems through greywater bio-filtration, permaculture, and reforestation.

Guided by our values of community leadership, ecological thinking, and integrity, we are growing a healthier tomorrow, starting with clean water.

Escuela Caracol is the first Waldorf School in Guatemala! They have been giving scholarships to Mayan children who otherwise would not have the chance to attend school for the past 7 years.

Their vision is to provide a loving education for those more in need.

Their mission is to provide holistic education to children, based on Waldorf pedagogy, promoting the feeling and the thinking integrated with the knowledge of the Ancestral Mayan Cosmovision.

So - are you ready to join the Magic Book of Guidance Journey?!

Pick one of the higher support tiers below to unlock amazing perks!

Meet the Author - Hart Floe Poet

Hart Floe Poet stumbled upon a talent and passion for writing, memorising, collating and reciting spoken word and poetry at the age of 28... Nine years later - he's gone on to touch thousands of people with his electrifying live performances - and has created 3 entire poetry collections, one of which, 'Life's Too Short', is published.

'The Magic Book of Guidance' is Hart's second full collection and he's taking it into his own hands to get it out into the world in a unique and special way. This project has already been 7 years in the making, and releasing each poem of the collection one by one is going to take another 2 + years.

Are you ready to receive your magic guidance and join Hart on this journey?

Then he thanks you in advance for choosing the supporter tier that calls to you above and supporting him on his mission of sharing this collection with the world!