I'm Hart Floe Poet - creator of this visual poetry collection.
The journey began in 2018 when a bold challenge presented itself whilst I was living in the magnetic vortex that is Lake Atitlán: write a poem a day
for 100 consecutive days and pair each poem with two original images...
Without even thinking, I dove right in - I embraced the challenge wholeheartedly, weaving together words and collages crafted from my travel photos. It was fun - but keeping up wasn’t easy. About two weeks in, the sheer size of the task hit me - suddenly the mountain to climb ahead became clear and seemed a daunting task - but in that moment, an internal whisper of encouragement from beyond myself pushed me forward:
--- 'Keep going; one day, these words will become a collection.'
I trusted that voice and despite all the hurdles - I kept on and managed to complete all 100 days.
In time, that subtle whisper within proved to be a prophecy. Over the years, the project evolved and deepened. It gained a name: The Magic Book of Guidance. It grew from 100 to 111 poems, and I went back through every single poem and added an after-thought - deeper reflections upon the content within.
Every element was infused with love and good intention every step of the way...
Now, hundreds of hours of faith, passion and creativity later, the collection has taken it's shape - but the journey is far from over...
It all began in the crater of a super-volcano - over 7 years ago...